This entire site concerns the science from which we have derived what we offer to patients for prevention of kidney stones. Every article rests on a base of established and peer reviewed science.

We Have Always Had a Science Page

For years I have posted articles about science, for those interested. But they have been a mixture of things that interested me from time to time, not an organized primer one could learn about science from.

I have made such a primer and plan to present here, on this site.

Partly I needed to capture the ideas of science in a physical form to teach it with. Partly I needed to capture ideas in a physical form so I could make them mine.

Stone Prevention Depends on Science

But most of all, I wanted something for kidney stone patients, who depend on what science has taught us for their care. They have every reason to ask how science does what it does, so they can better understand its almost magical powers, and ultimate limits.

The Primer is in Videos

I made my primer as a set of short videos. The featured picture, from my first video, depicts the branches of science and how it organizes itself. It introduces how science works. 

As always on this site, materials run a gamut from elementary to complex. They must because those who come run the very same gamut of scientific knowledge and education. Everyone can get something out of these videos, some more than others.

Call these videos version 1.01. They can use a lot of refinements – of ideas and sheer video making technique. But even so they convey a lot about science. I hope some enjoy and benefit.

Overview of Science

One can identify three kinds of sciences in medical research. Empirical research gathers measurements from the world. Essentially this is to convert real life as it is into numbers. Invention is obvious – the creation of new ways we can do things. Archeologists tell us human kind have been doing this since the first stone axes, and zoologists repeatedly show us all forms of animals doing similar kinds of things.

The third science is dreamers, imaginative minds who try to visualize how nature does things – from volcanoes to cancer.

Facts will get you what is there for everyone to see who has the skill and energy to look. Imagination gets you computers and electric cars, and antibiotics – just about all the comforts and conveniences of civilization. It also gets  you weapons, too, and worse. And, in the third science, it gets you relativity, Quantum mechanics, Evolution, and unexpected causes of human disease like helicobacter for ulcers, prions for dementia, and – at a more human scale – systolic hypertension for stroke, and fructose for diabetes.

The Video here shows all of this, tells about it, and offers a way in for those who care to come. Others will expand on the ideas, give a sense for their richness and value.

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