This is an article for all of you to write.
The web is awash in apps for tracking fluid intake, and kidney stone prevention is all about fluids.
Some ‘smart bottles‘ have arrived on the market. They track what you drink and keep the results on your smartphone. Since some of these are kickstarter efforts there is even an article on Slate about them. Some appear to be finished and rather sleek products. We know nothing about them.
There are apps for sodium intake, calcium intake – We think. The field looks thin for calcium apps.
Low sodium and high calcium diets are important in stone prevention.
We even found one app for preventing kidney stones – see if you can find it.
Elaine looked up phone apps for water tracking and easily found a number of them. Fred looked too, and found the same. How can we know which ones are any good except we ask you to tell us. Likewise for sodium, and calcium, and for the rather pricy smart bottles.
Please comment.
Say which apps you use or have used. What did you think of them? How long did you use them. Would you recommend them? LIkewise for smart bottles. Are they worth the price – do they help you?
About 30,000 people come to this site every month. Please share your experiences.
This Article Will Get Longer as We Get Your Opinions and Experiences
Since we know nothing about these apps and devices, we need to learn, from you. So please help.
A number of comments have come in, either posted as comments or by email. For the latter I have entered the comments with only the first name and avoiding any email identifiers. Thank you, everyone so far, and we will soon compile a table as promised.
The Score as of April 2
A tally of the results to date.
NO APP | 22 | |
JUST A JUG | 11 | |
MY FITNESS PAL | 6 | 2 |
HYDRO COACH | 1 | 1 |
GULP | 1 | |
FIT-BIT | 1 | |
LOSE IT | 1 | |
TOTAL | 45 | 7 |
No app at all wins by 33 of the 52 comments. Of these 22 were just no app the other 11 were just a jug. The former meant none used, no interest.The latter meant jugs of water, one kind or another, stashed about or planned the night before in innumerable combinations.
Each of the other devices had a tiny scatter of love or hate or both as the table shows.
This is not science: Some people were hard to score and I left them out – could not tell if they used anything or not.
Dislike meant either not good or good for a while then discarded. Liked means used, valuable, and in play for a significant time.
There are so many people on this site every month, I hope more stop by and comment.
So far I would not buy stock in special water bottle companies, but might want to try out a line of nice colored water jugs – come to think of it the web is saturated with them!
Regards, Elaine and Fred
I use an app called Sodium Tracker for tracking my sodium – super easy to use and very helpful to see where I am at throughout the day! I haven’t used a smart bottle but that sounds like an amazing idea and something I would definitely purchase if I knew where to!
Thanks, Amanda, You are the first to comment. Highly appreciated! Elaine and Fred
If you are still looking for where to purchase a smart bottle. Try http://www.thermos.com/smartlid.aspx for the Thermos bottle with smart lid. You can also order the same product on Amazon.
I used my fitness pal for a while. You simply scan what you eat and at the end of the day you get a report that includes sodium, water, protein, carbs, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium, etc. I lost 45 pound and, when I had Calcium Oxilate stones, it helped tremendously. It is a lot of work and takes dedication but it is very effective.
Hi, Kimberly, why did you stop using it, I wonder. Fred Coe
I was using it to exercise and lose weight. I had a hysterectomy and my stones changed from Calcium Oxilate to Uric Acid or something else. I started forming a lot more stones and it became to painful to exercise. I should start using it again but like I said it is a lot of work and takes dedication to log everything you eat.
I’ve used My Fitness Pal for almost 2 yrs. As a cyclist, it’s crucial for making sure I hit my macro nutrients, and it’s integration with Strava (cycling activity tracker & more) adjusts daily caloric “goals.”
Major caveats:
Nutrient data for foods, even the “certified” entries and especially for whole foods, are suspect. For example, try searching for any cut of beef. You’ll see that many entries include no potassium.
The 50/25/25% default macro split is ridiculous (and arbitrary), esp. WRT protein.
The adjustment of caloric needs according to exercise is a wholesale bump across all macros. I’m sure Dr. Coe will agree that even if I burn 1,500 kCal cycling, I don’t need 225 g. of protein for the day.
I also use the app called Sodium Tracker. It’s nice because you can keep a list of the foods you regularly eat to quickly add them to daily total. It really has helped me budget out my sodium intake over the day. I always know where I stand. 🙂
Fluid intake apps lack an important function: compensation for fluid lost to exertion & extreme climate conditions. I’ve tried a few, and always have one installed just to keep my base up w/ reminders. However, I can lose as much as 5 lbs. — almost 100% of that is water — during a ride in high heat. I am not convinced that the old rule of drinking water until you’ve regained your pre-ride body weight is sufficient or wise (e.g. hyponatremia).
Hi Elain and Fred, I am a founder of Hidrate, and we’re making the Hidrate Spark smart water bottle. I wanted to thank you for the mention in your article and let you know that we think drinking water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stone formation. With a sleek water bottle that glows to remind you to drink water and an easy to use app that sends fun and helpful notifications it’s a great way to keep track of your water intake and help you live a healthier life! Feel free to download our app for both iOS and Android just search Hidrate Spark. Our bottles will be shipping out later this month, and if you want to learn more check out our website http://www.hidratespark.com
Hi, This being a university site I don’t allow commercial content but in this case everything is indeed about commercial products. I do want to make clear that we are not endorsing any products but simply accumulating comments from patients. Regards, Fred Coe
I used to use one..called hydro coach, there are tons if you search water reminder.. One is called drink water..search in your app store and there are a lot of free ones..the same way there are tons, same way there are a lot of alarm clocks a lot of calendars apps.. So what I do is download one and check it out if it is no good you download another deleting the one you did not like.
Thanks, Laura – It was duplicated so I removed the extra copy. Regards, Fred Coe
I have had no luck finding an app to track both sodium and calcium accurately. I look forward to the results. I tried the Lose it app but it does not track calcium. I use pen and paper and calorieking.com although the calcium values are often understated at 0 and I wonder how accurate the results are for sodium. Calorie King has an app but it appears that the app doesn’t list calcium.
I use the “My Fitness Pal” app on my phone. I use it daily, mainly to track calories. This app also shows you many different nutritional items (such as cholesterol, fiber, vitamins, etc.) however I only look at the sodium and fat for each item. I use the free app so it doesn’t really keep totals for you to look at but it will give you a brief message if you are nearing your sodium or fat daily allowance.
As soon as I stop using it I start to slip with my “eating” goals but when I use it it really helps me stay on track.
I don’t track my fluid intake at all because I do drink large amounts of water each day.
I really like this app as it has everything I need and it is very easy to use.
I use a Fitbit activity band and the Fitbit app that goes with it is fantastic. Not only does it track, my steps, floors, activity & calories burned – it also tracks food and all nutritional information (sodium & calcium) water intake, weight and much more. It is fantastic having a screenshot all in one place. It has been a fantastic tool in the fight against Kidney Stones. I think the smart bottles sound great, especially when you intake large amounts of water and always have a memory of logging it, this would take away the did I or didn’t I log this water.
I’m just getting started with this. I searched for an Android app to track hydration. They all seem to graph statistics, but I could not find one that will graph my progress through a given day to highlight peaks and valleys as well as showing overall progress.
I also noticed, not surprisingly, that the dietary apps are focused on inputs. I’m curious how much an app could glean about my current state of hydration and calcium stone risk with readings (possibly automated by the app) from an existing 14-parameter urine test strip that includes calcium, creatinine, pH, etc.? I’m thinking it could be a valuable educational tool, and also potentially useful when traveling, especially flying which is very dehydrating.
Thanks, Al. I agree. Fred Coe
Hello Dr. Coe, Here is an update on Android apps: I tried Gulp. It is free, has no ads. It lacks many of the common features such as statistics, but is very easy to use. Someone mentioned Hydro Coach, and I am using that now on days that don’t follow my regular daily routine. That adds statistics and more features. It records the time of each glass, and it does display a useful real-time indication of where you are vs. where you should be based on the time. It is free, but has both banner ads and frequent intrusive pop-up ads until you pay to remove them. Fortunately, that only cost me $1.72. Neither app allowed me to directly set the daily goal. But I found a work-around – greatly exaggerate my weight so it will calculate the volume I want. 🙂
Mike P offered this comment by email and I am copying it here with his permission:
Dear Drs. Coe and Worcester:
Thank you for your invitation to offer web and other resources that your patients use to track water and sodium intake.
My primary web resource is My Fitness Pal, which has both an online service and apps which may be downloaded to tablets or phones. Most store-bought and restaurant foods are already uploaded to it, and it is possible to manually enter foods if they are not already included or when you are preparing your own from scratch. It will track all the nutritional components of the foods I eat, and I also track my hydration on this site. It also links to sister applications such as Map My Walk or Map My Fitness, as well as third-party apps from Fitbit, Garmin, Withings and other vendors.
To help measure my water intake, I use a Nalgene 32 oz. / 0.95 liter bottle with graduated markings. As you both probably know, Nalgene’s base business is medical and laboratory containers, so their consumer bottles are also BPA-free, rugged, and leakproof. The bottles are popular with gym-rats and hikers alike, and they are safe for long-term food storage. I find them convenient to carry both at work and at the gym, and easy to read my water consumption.
I hope this information is helpful to you both!
I have no problem keeping track of my liquid intake. I just drink water all the time!!!. As far as sodium I don’t eat salty items or use salt at meal time. The apps would not be of any value to me. just another gimick to keep track of.
I use fitness pal. I haven’t been happy with oxalate apps as info isn’t great. Tracking water is two 2 litre jugs of water in fridge and don’t go to bed until there are gone.
I haven’t tried ANY of the apps to possibly help with my kidney stones. So I will just read the comments on here and maybe give some a try. Lord knows I need all the help I can get!!
I’m at home most of the day and prefer to use the method of having 2 qt. bottles of water in the refrigerator and
a 30 oz. mug when I’m not at home. I find the mugs great to use when you are traveling or not at home. Since I
try to drink at least 120 oz. of liquid a day, the measurements are very helpful.
I have established a regular routine of drinking water that works for me. I find that a great, non-technical water bottle works just fine. As for sodium, an app might be helpful if I were eating processed foods all the time, but I’ve found that it is much easier to stick to a low-sodium diet if I make our meals and stick with whole foods. Any processed ingredient that I add to a recipe is very low sodium. As a working mom, I don’t have extra time in my day to log every single thing that I eat/drink. It’s just not practical.
Hello, after being part of the program for nearly thirty years. I find my Contigo bottles lined up in the morning, ready to travel around the house, to the gym, running errands works well for me. I would not be interested in a smart bottle.
I do use MY FITNESS PAL to track. I have not looked into the other apps, because this one is easy to use and suits my needs.
I hope this helps.
I’m not interested in these high tech devices and apps. It’s easy enough to keep track of my water and sodium intake. I don’t track oxylates as my stones are phosphate based. After many years of following this plan, it comes naturally.
I used the Sodium Tracker app for a few days, and am glad I did because it really made me aware of my sodium intake. I’d been under the impression that because of my low blood pressure and frequent tennis & exercise, that salt wasn’t an issue for me (and no doctor ever mentioned it to me as a possible issue). After tracking sodium for a couple days and seeing that the reduction significantly improved my kidney function (and my husband’s blood pressure), I’ll continue to track the intake, although I can do so without the app Now, I just typically do a quick Google search for questionable items to keep me in check. I’m looking forward to my next 24-hour test results.
The smart water bottle sounds appealing to me.
As I am embarking on a stone prevention program, I am interested in anything that I can do to support this process. I am learning to be better (not great) with regards to my fluid intake but would appreciate any assistance. I did peruse “tracking fluid intake” within the app store but felt a bit overwhelmed with the many choices. So I would appreciate a specific suggestion for the appropriate app and I will be more than happy to move forward with this part of my personal program.
Hi Monica, I guess the best ones are from the people who have added comments. Regards, Fred Coe
When I was first diagnosed with kidney stones, these devices may have been helpful as I was overwhelmed with making sure I had enough water and not too much sodium. Now that it is just a part of my lifestyle, I wouldn’t find them as helpful. In order to reach my daily goal of water intake, I prefer to use several different glasses and water bottles through the day to mix it up. I would not be interested in the smart bottles. Keeping track of the sodium was the trickier part. The app was helpful to remember what I had eaten earlier in the day and also a convenient spot to log how much sodium was in different brands of the same food. It was a real shock to see how much the sodium varied in certain products depending on the brand. (like parmesan cheese) Again, once I felt like I knew all my go to foods, I don’t use that app anymore. It really becomes second nature once you do it long enough.
I also use My Fitness Pal.
Never seen or used a Smart Bottle. My constant companion is my HydroFlask which keeps my liquids VERY VERY VERY COLD, ice will stay frozen overnight.
Wasn’t aware of the described tracking apps, but in general, they don’t interest me in this “steady state”. Hopefully, over the “rocky” decades, I’ve learned some general rules, although I know I’m not squeezing all the numbers all of the time.
Your outstanding communication style, content, interest and focus remain truly laudable. Thanks. Dennis Egnatz,MD
Thank you, Dennis; all the best, Fred
I just use a water bottle to keep track.
Don’t really use apps for much of anything
Never knew anything about a Smart Bottle or apps. Thank you so much for your interesting articles.
Thank you Linda. Regards, Fred
I use MedHelp.org’s free Water Consumption app that’s integrated into My Diet Diary. It also is a tracker which can be used on MedHelp.org’s website.
I also use MedHelp.org’s Kidney Function Tracker which integrates my water consumption.
This is a great article informing readers about smart bottles and tracking apps. I will definitely check the smart bottles. This will be a great tool to keep track of the liquid intake.
Thank you!
Judy T offered this comment: Thank you your interest in Web Apps and Smart Bottles. Appreciate anything that will help provide information for good health.
When I initially looked for an app or tool to assist me with tracking my fluid intake I didn’t find any that could summarize the information in a way that could answer the questions that I have. So I created a simple database that records some basic data that I can summarize any way that I want. The data includes date, time, meal, type of fluid, and ounces. I only record times in 15 minute intervals, and include morning, afternoon, and evening snack in my meal categories. For my fluid and meal categories I have predefined lists to minimize data entry and ensure data consistency. I keep the database on my server at work, which I can access remotely from home. When away from a computer I write the data onto a paper fluid log or as notes in my cell phone, then add it to the database later.
I use this tool for two reasons: (1) as a reminder to keep working on improving my fluid intake daily (it is easy for me to forget about drinking when busy with other stuff), and (2) to allow me to summarize the data to answer questions I am interested in. For example, while my total daily fluid quantity may be similar between a weekday and a weekend day, the timing of intake throughout the day is quite different, and the types of fluids consumed are very different. While I knew I drank a lot of milk over the course of a week (approx. 2 gals.), I found that roughly two-thirds of it is consumed during the two days of the weekend.
I use a similar spreadsheet to record my food, but I don’t do any analysis of that data. I am pretty good at being attentive regarding what to eat, and have been working on avoiding the low-hanging fruit problem areas.
Now all I need is a doctor or nutritionist that cares enough, and is willing to take the time, to review my data and make some recommendations. All the data in the world is no good unless it is used to make some decisions. So far the doctors I have been interacting with are not as interested in my data and analysis as I am. And I am not qualified to understand the intricate details of how an ileostomy interacts from a nutritional standpoint with the kidney processes (besides just a loss of general fluid uptake) to make competent recommendations for myself.
Hi Jeff, Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I should write an article on ileostomy as a lot is known about it. Soon, Regards, Fred
I just use my 1.05 quart bottle of water and do my best to keep track of what I drink. Along with 1 – 12oz Coke that I drink an ounce at a time thru out the day. Without any stomach and without 50% of my esophagus it is hard to eat often and drink at the same time.
I’m not interested, I just stick with diet and keep an eye on volume and color of urine. For stone newbies, though, an app or tracker could be helpful. If you could put all your content into one, it’d easily top any other. I’ve been a stoner for 16 years, and your site is the best I’ve ever found anywhere. Thank you for what you do!
Thank You, Audrey, I am glad the site helps you. I would be happier if it got you prevention of more stones. Regards, Fred Coe
Dr. Coe, this is the first time I’ve heard of these apps and am interested in using them in my personal war against kidney stones. I will be happy to provide you with feedback once I’ve had a chance to evaluate the apps. However, I don’t see myself using smart bottles, since it’s easy enough for me to monitor my liquid intake.
Thanks & keep up the good work!
Anthony offered this comment by email: No interest.
Hopefully drinking enough water and my cytra-k will help with my lifetime of stones.
Thank you for all of your valuable info.
Anthony C
Don offered this by email: I appreciate new information and tips for reducing the incidence of kidney stone problems.
Eric offered this by email: These don’t interest me. In the morning I fill 2 2-quart pitchers with water and drink them by bedtime.
Dear Dr. Coe & Ms. Worcester,
In the past I’ve used the App “Lose It” that monitors calories and nutrition intake but it has not been helpful monitoring water and sodium intake.
Having read your e-mail, it has inspired me to seek out these Apps to monitor my water and sodium intake. Since I try to drink 4 Liters of water a day per your request, which is not always easy, I found keeping a liter pitcher of water at room temperature and drinking from a glass instead of a water bottle allows me to drink more volume much easier.
I typically will use these Apps for several months until my eating, drinking and fitness become so routine that I don’t need to keep monitoring. When I find myself off-track, I go back to the app. as a motivator to keep me consistent.
Barbara sent this by email: I don’t use an app because I don’t know of one that exists but I would be interested in using one if one were developed. Thanks
Sent by email: I don’t have a Smart Bottle. I did download a water app, but promptly deleted it after getting TONS of junk e-mail.
I just use a 64 oz bottle and make sure I drink at least two per day.
Thank you so much for your help and interest!!
Bill sent this by email: Fred
I also use my fitness pal to track my intakes. Seems to work good. I monitor my water intake, the old way, I have 4-6 16 oz bottles of water with me daily and I know I’m good when there empty!!
Your articles are fantastic and I’m honored to be on your mailing list. Thank you
Bob sent this by email: not of interest
I use my fitness pal because you can set your sodium intake and it let’s you know when you’re getting close to your limit. You can also reorganize it for your diet so you get less carbs, more proteins, etc. I personally don’t usually track my water because I drink a lot of water but my fitness pal also let’s you do that.
Francis sent this email: Smart bottles are interesting.
Brenda sent this by email: Not interested
Michele sent this by email: Not interested in web apps. I just had my 5th lithotripsy for a one cm stone and another 9mm stone sitting right next to it. I will have it analyzed but I believe it’s calcium oxalate like the others. I passed some large 3mm fragments along with smaller ones without a stent. Not much pain. Will have a kub done in a few weeks and probably see a nephrologist for 24 hour urine and any help she give. This obviously isn’t my first rodeo and I’ve been dealing with this since I’m in my late 20’s and now mid 50’s. I don’t believe I keep making new stones but they grow from the nidus left from small fragments. I have however, incorporated some good solid lifestyle changes that I read about on your site and others which I’ve never done before. I don’t have a problem with citrate as far as my last 24 hour urine. My issue seems to be with sodium, oxalate and low urine ph. It would seem I’d have a problem with uric acid stones but not the case. I’ve started drinking lemon water daily mixed with crystal light, (not crazy about the aspartame and yellow dye.) Also, gone on a much lower sodium diet, cut out all the protein and nuts and trying to lose weight as I’m diabetic as well. Taking Theralith xr and when checking ph of my urine it has increased from 5 to 6 on urine strip. I already drink about 14 – 16 glasses of water per day. Hoping for the best and any advice is always appreciated. Love your website and got so much info there.
Robert sent this by email: Don’t know much about “smart” bottles but do swear by a low-tech alternative.
Never did like water straight.
Bought a clear plastic water bottle which holds 28 oz of water but also has an insert in which you can place fruit, cinnamon sticks, etc. Mine is by “Young and More.” They even have recipes you can try to jazz up the water. There are many other bottles like this on the market. Works for me.
By email – Still interested!
Just don’t have anything to contribute.
Kim sent this by email: I was very curious about people’s responses and would be definitely be interested in people’s suggestions or input
Harvey sent this by email: Thank you for the interesting and important articles and discussions that you have been sending out. I have had 2 Kidney stone attacks in the the last 25 years and none since i became a patient at the kidney stone clinic more than 15 years ago. I know nothing about web apps and smart bottles and because I have not had any stones in so many years I have no interest.