by Dr Fredric Coe | Jan 13, 2023 | For Doctors, For Patients, For Scientists
Long ago, physicians gave calcium kidney stone formers oral phosphate supplements to reduce urine calcium and kidney stone production. But trials were small and informal, so when a single and excellent trial showed lack of benefit our generation left phosphate by the...
by Dr Fredric Coe | Dec 24, 2022 | For Patients, For Scientists, How Kidneys Function
Not rarely patients and readers on this site ask about vitamin D supplements and whether they raise the risk for kidney stones or reduce risk for bone fractures. This article is about the first question. In pursuit of the answer, I would like to share with you how one...
by Dr Fredric Coe | Oct 11, 2022 | For Doctors, For Patients, For Scientists, How Kidneys Function, Uncategorized
A Free New Book About Kidney Stones Here is a download link for the book Here is a brief video that walks you through the book Why Another Book? It has long been my impression that discussion of kidney stone formation arises less out of the rich detail of kidney...
by Dr Fredric Coe | Feb 17, 2019 | For Doctors, For Patients, For Scientists, How Kidneys Function
The painting by van Gogh, The Sower with Setting Sun (1888) Kroller – Muller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands, has no obvious connection to this article unless you have read Nellie Hermann’s essay on the former mining district of Belgium called the...
by Dr Fredric Coe | Oct 31, 2016 | For Doctors, For Patients, For Scientists
I have summarized the scientific evidence that low intakes of diet calcium and potassium and high intakes of refined sugar and sodium and protein raise risk of stones and loss of bone mineral. I have pointed out that the recommended US diet specifically seeks to...