Chapter Two: How Kidney Stones Form

    The video is a big enhancement of this article, I recommend it. The Structure of Kidneys Stones form inside the kidneys and the urine collecting system. How they form matters to patients because surgeons can see formation sites during stone removal by...
Chapter Five: Idiopathic Calcium Stones

Chapter Five: Idiopathic Calcium Stones

You have idiopathic calcium stones. That means much of this site applies to you and your disorder. But the many articles read without a guide or sequence can confuse. You would be best off reading here, and following links as they come up. Of course you are free to...


Supersaturation Supersaturation names the force that makes crystals. Because it does, we measure supersaturation to understand why a patient makes stones, and we reduce risk of more stones by lowering supersaturation. Fortunately, universal and quantitative laws...
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