If we put together everything on this site about diet for kidney stone prevention we get a reasonable and consistent image of one basic pattern. It is more or less what is ideal for idiopathic hypercalciuria and for reducing urine oxalate. It is the diet that has been used in the one major trial of diet for stone prevention. It accords with modern recommendations for the health of the American people. More or less, after all is said, there is only one diet plan that meets the needs for kidney stone prevention and we have called it ‘The Kidney Stone Diet.’
‘We’ are me and Jill Harris (pictured right).
Of course, we are speaking of the diet for treatment of idiopathic calcium stones. Stones from systemic diseases, like bowel disease, primary hyperparathyroidism, primary hyperoxaluria, are treated by treating those diseases, and that is a different matter altogether. But those are the exceptions. Of the millions of American people with stones, almost all are idiopathic.
There will be surprises. Diet oxalate always matters but less so than you might think once the full diet is in place. Calcium will seem odd to you unless you have been a frequenter of this site. Sodium will seem all too familiar.
Dissecting the Diet
High calcium intake is essential for stone formers. They have bones and many have idiopathic hypercalciuria that can cause bone disease unless there is a lot of diet calcium intake. Oxalate absorption is greatly hampered by high calcium intake, if the calcium is eaten when the oxalate is eaten.
It is not only stone formers who need a lot of calcium. The new FDA diet recommendations include high calcium intake for all Americans.
How high is high?
More or less, throughout life, men or women, girls or boys, the range hovers between 1,000 and 1,200 mg daily. This amount of calcium is ideal for both protection against bone mineral loss from idiopathic hypercalciuria and reducing oxalate absorption. The unique part for stone formers is timing the calcium to go with the main oxalate containing foods during the day.
Urine calcium follows urine sodium like a shadow. The lower the sodium the lower the calcium. In the one bone study that seriously looked at the matter, it was the combination of low sodium diet and high calcium diet that led to positive bone calcium balance – uptake of mineral into bone as opposed to bone loss.
So, what is ‘low sodium. The new FDA recommendations are an intake below 2300 mg (100 mEq for those of you who read lab reports). For those with high blood pressure – treated with drugs or not – 1,500 mg is ideal. For stone formers, the latter, 1,500 is ideal because it brings urine calcium of hypercalciuric people near the normal range, and also benefits those without hypercalciuria by making urine calcium as low as possible.
If 1,500 mg is the ideal for the kidney stone diet, 2,300 is the absolute upper limit, and people will more or less want to live somewhere in between, hopefully at the low end.
Refined Sugar
Refined sugar is sugar that has been extracted from plants into the white stuff you buy in bulk and add to cake and cookie and brownie recipes, and use to make candy. The sugar in plants and fruits is packaged along with fiber and released slowly so it is very safe. Once you extract it into white powder it is absorbed very fast. We are not made to use this well. Blood sugar and insulin rise a lot, fat is formed, and it is not healthy.
Jack Lemann first showed decades ago that simply eating 100 gm of glucose causes a rapid rise in urine calcium with – can you imagine worse? – a concomitant fall in urine volume so supersaturations rise extremely high. It is the perfect storm. Urine calcium of people with hypercalciuria rises a lot more than in those without it, so it is evil in family members of stone formers. Since about one half of the relatives of a hypercalciuric stone former will be hypercalciuric because of genetics, even the children are put at risk by high sugar intakes. The worst part is that hypercalciuria is silent until stones or crystals form, so no one can know.
Very reduced refined sugar intake is emphasized in the new government diet recommendations because of American obesity and diabetes. The recommendation is that less than 10% of all diet carbohydrates come in the form of added sugar which means very little sweets. This means sugars that are added to foods, not the natural sugars in fruits and some vegetables. The latter are absorbed more slowly and are safe. Obviously candy and cake and brownies and all the other good stuff is in the very bad category.
Our long and difficult review of the protein story make a main point. People absolutely need at least 0.8 gm/day per kilogram of body weight of protein and need no more than 1 gm/d/kg. WIthin that narrow range there is a measurable but modest effect of protein on urine calcium that can be neglected if sodium is controlled. So we see no physiological basis or trial evidence that ‘low protein diet’ is appropriate. By low we could only mean 0.8gm/kg/d. The one comprehensive kidney stone diet trial implies a low protein intake but in fact employed 93 gm of diet protein – which is a lot. The diet change was to make 40% of it be plant based. But there is no evidence that plant protein reduces stones or urine calcium compared to meat protein. Plant based protein sources are often rich in oxalate.
All things being equal we have advocated for a low oxalate intake between 50 and 100 mg daily. However Ross Holmes showed clearly that with very high calcium intakes such as 1,000 to 1,200 mg daily, absorption of diet oxalate is less and therefore the need for strict control is also less. In the one diet trial by Borghi diet oxalate was 200 mg/day but diet calcium was high and urine oxalate actually lower than in his contrast group with low calcium diet and less oxalate intake.
The ideal approach as best we can tell is to put in place the high calcium diet, aim for about 200 mg of oxalate, which is easier to accomplish than lower values, and measure the urine results. If despite high calcium intake urine oxalate is creating risk of stones then diet needs to be altered appropriately.
Some people seem to absorb oxalate more efficiently than others, so there are no fixed rules. Many have normal urine oxalate excretions without any diet change at all. Many who have undesirably high urine oxalate at their first labs will show a marked fall with the higher calcium intake and need no further restrictions.
Some will remain hyperoxaluric despite the calcium and it is for them that very restricted oxalate diets can be reserved.
One key is urine collections to see that calcium alone can accomplish for any one person.
The other key is timing. The diet calcium must come in the same meals that contain the bulk of the day’s oxalate. Without that precaution calcium might not work well in this regard.
We have covered this topic completely. The urine volume you want is above 2.5 l/d, the amount of fluids needed is about 3 l/d and you just have to experiment to find the exact intake for you, and also allow for weather, occupation, sports. Obviously sugared fluids have always been unfavored on this site, and you need to avoid them. The other major issue is steadiness over the day and into the evening. Overnight we just take our chances in most cases.
There You Have It
The kidney stone diet is one thing: High calcium, low sodium, low refined sugar, normal protein, flexible oxalate management that depends on how high urine oxalate is once high diet calcium is achieved, and of course high fluids.
This site is rich in articles that pertain to the kidney stone diet – it was built in part for this purpose. The home page lists articles by topic and you can find there the ones you need. Here is a brief summary with links.
High calcium and low sodium: 1,000 to 1,200 mg calcium 65 – 100 mEq (1,500 to 2,300 mg) sodium and care about oxalate (50 to 200 mg/day) can be achieved using our list of foods that meet all three requirements. It is essential that calcium be taken in with the meals that contain appreciable oxalate.
Low refined sugar (below 10% of daily carbohydrate intake): This is best thought of as a major reduction in sweets – cookies, candy, sugared drinks, cake, pie. Fruits are not a problem, but smoothies that break up the fruit may liberate their sugars and overcome the ‘slow release’ properties of the intact fruits themselves. We did not write an article about this matter because it is simply to give up what many of us love.
Normal protein intake – this translates into 1/2 to 2/3 pound of meats daily for an average adult. For stones, the issue of red meat vs. fish or chicken does not matter. Vegetable protein sources such as soy are high enough in oxalate one cannot recommend them.
High fluids and how to get them are in many articles on this site.
When Do You Begin the Diet
To us there is no question it should be after even one stone. The diet accords with all modern recommendations. The only special features are attention to oxalate and to timing of calcium with oxalate containing foods. High Fluids are more of a task, but after one stone the one trial showed a marked reduction in second stone formation with urine volumes above 2.5 l/day compared to the 1 l/d of the control group.
A more subtle matter is family members. Idiopathic hypercalciuria causes both stones and bone disease, and is hereditary. About half of first degree relatives of hypercalciuric people with stones have the trait even without stones. Given this, and also that the kidney stone diet is benign and in line with what we all should be eating, why not make it the general family diet as well?
I (Jill), have recently put together a private FB page called THE Kidney Stone Diet. It is a group that helps educate you on your physician prescribed treatment plans. I moderate it to keep it clinically sound. Come on over and join the discussion!
Hello Dr. Coe,
No stones so far but both father and brother had calcium oxalate stones. BUT spine dxa -3+, hypercalciuria: pre 12.5 mg HCTZ @ 1x/day, ave urine calcium 296, post HCTZ 4 yr ave urine calcium 193, sodium 8 yr ave 69. 1200 mg calcium/day from diet. 61 y/o. Adequate fluid per your target. Potassium good with diet. About to switch meds owing to marginal spine effect/dxa after 4 yrs bisphosphonate/CTX better but not suppressed enough. (Have 2 endocrinologists – one at HSS/NYC managing.) Question: does eating oxalates with dairy (as calcium) decrease calcium available to bone? How much should I care about oxalates beyond avoiding top offenders? Advised to gain weight (5’6″, 106 lb) but difficult with minimal nuts, sugar…and my wacko metabolism. Any thoughts (especially for follow up with nephrologist)? Would you recommend switch to chlorthalidone? (bp ~ 105/65, no issues HCTZ) Thank you, Dr Coe! ! Mary
Hi Mary, Diet oxalate is not important in affecting calcium absorption. Do not worry about oxalate in regard to bone disease. Given your slimness one issue in bone might be protein nutrition – too little. Sugar is not beneficial for bone, but protein is. I would ask my doctors if nutrition was optimal for bone health. Regards, Fred Coe
Hello Dr Cole do you have any recommendations for struvite stones. Also any suggestion on how to lower ph to more acidic environment. Thanks
Hi Neena, They arise from bacteria that produce them, and diet will not help. They need surgical removal and efforts to remove as much of the infected stone material as possible. Afterwards, your surgeons need to consider what can be done to prevent more infection and stone. Diet is to no avail. Regards, Fred Coe
Thanks very much for your reply, Dr. Coe! I’ll review my nutrition with my MDs and nutritionist. (One of my endocrinologists has referred to Karl Insogna’s work at Yale.) It’s not hard to hit .8 g/kg protein with 1200 mg calcium ( ex. 4 glasses of milk x 8 g protein is 32 g right there) since I do eat modest amounts of lean meat and fish. Your admonition about sugar is appreciated since it’s a dangerous short cut to weight gain!
Thank you for your incredibly valuable contributions to this issue – with osteoporosis being an expensive problem in an aging population and hypercalciuria contributing to osteoporosis for a significant percentage of women (many with no hx of kidney stones), this is an important area deserving of more funding and attention. Thank you for sharing your expertise with the world and for helping me to navigate my care.
Hi Mary, The protein value of 0.8 gm/d is a bit low, out of date. A value of 1 gm/kg/d is more in line with modern information. Bone health is promoted by protein, and protein intake barely influences urine calcium and stone risk.Regards, Fred Coe
My husband has had a varied make-up of kidney stones since 1988 with 20 surgical procedures since 1993 – the most recent 9/29/21. We have worked with diets based on kidney stone type which has been taxing with unclear outcomes. Upon reading your overview and recipes, there is renewed hope that time invested will reduce kidney stone formation and improve overall health for both of us.
Hi Joi, given so many stones and surgeries, and so long a time, I am not so sure he does not need medication, and perhaps some consideration of their cause. Changing composition means multiple causes, and perhaps no treatment has as yet actually aimed at the proper place. Here is my best introduction to stone prevention, see if it helps focus things. Regards, Fred Coe
Dr. Coe,
Can you recommend a Urologist in the Charlotte NC area?
Thank you!
Hi Marjorie, Here is the most appropriate one at your university. I do not know him but he seems to be specialized to surgical stone management. His training is excellent. Fred
I’d also like a recommendation in Charlotte. Please note that Chapel Hill is about 2.5 hours from here so the recommendation above is not practical since it will require close to 5 hours round trip travel time.
Hi LM, Charlotte is confusing in that I cannot quite be sure about the medical school there – schools are where one can more or less find reliable experts in stone disease. I gather UNC is opening a campus in Charlotte and I would call there. I gather Wake Forrest is opening a medical school campus. I must say in my years of searching for schools to serve kidney stone patients I have not as yet encountered such a massive buildup anywhere else on such a short time table. Either school may have the person you want: The physician who declares an interest in kidney stones. Fred
Hello Dr. Coe – I just discovered this website and am so appreciative of the information. I am a 65 yo female with history of calcium-oxalate stones, and diagnosed a year ago with osteoporosis and hypercalciuria, also now with gluten sensitivity. I was told by a dietician that in order for protein intake to trigger bone formation one must eat a 30mg “bolus” in one sitting (my endocrinologist said to limit protein to ~75mg/day, which is more than 1mg/kg/day)…so I’m confused about protein. What are your thoughts about how best to consume protein to support bones? Also any other advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Rosette, Bone and protein are a vexed area but I think the weight of opinion is that more protein up to a point is good for bone. Here is my review of the data as of a few years ago and I think little has changed. As a rule 1 gm/kg/day is fine, and I know of no data supporting the need for a ‘bolus’. Likewise, there is no reason to limit diet protein. Regards, Fred Coe
Thank you!
Any evidence for increased risk of stone formation if calcium from foods exceeds 1200 mg / day?
No, not for a person at random, unless we are talking about massive excess: over 1600 mg/d. In a stone former, possibly. Fred Coe
How long should I take Urocit-K 10? I’ve been taking it for two years twice a day. My citric acid level was 22. I’m having difficulty getting urologist to understand ordering 24 urine test. I’m going try a nephrologist. I live in a rural area.
Hi Bryan, I guess that depends on what you are taking it for. If for uric acid stones, it would be life long. Likewise if your urine citrate is very low and you produce calcium stones. If neither, and it is being used to raise a normal urine citrate to above normal for a while, it would not be long term. In any case, 24 hour urine samples are key – they give the citrate level and pH which citrate pills affect. Rural is not a problem as the main vendors can service people anywhere in the country. As for your level, if you mean your urine citrate is 22 mg/24 hours that is so extremely low it either an error or you have a very marked disorder, or it is not mg. Can you tell me the units??? Regards, Fred Coe
Hello! My 17 yr old grandson had a kidney stone that was 90% brushite. He is also anemic, and very underweight. ( He has upj corrective surgery on both kidneys, with right kidney malrotation. His left kidney is grossly undersized with an 18% flowrate). I am wondering if BOOST would be ok to add to his diet for the iron and the protein. Thank you.
Hi Pamela, I am concerned that your grandson has significantly reduced overall kidney function and needs care from a skilled pediatric nephrologist. I would try to obtain such care as soon as you can. I would not use any kind of supplements, only food, until he has that kind of physician managing his care. The anemia could be from reduced kidney function. From this distance I am only guessing, and perhaps his physicians know that his right kidney is providing ample kidney function, so I may err on the overly worried side – but I may not. Brushite stones are very difficult to precent, so that same nephrologist will be important for that as well. Regards, Fred Coe
I came across the diet while looking for my 10yr old son. He’s had 5 stones, 3 surgically removed. We will be seeing a pediatric nephrologist in two days as he had an abnormal 24hr urine test. Would your recommendations be the same for a child? Also, his kidney is underdeveloped and in his pelvis (hugging the bladder) do you recommend sports or would that harm him more? Thanks!
Hi Courtney, In all probability he has genetic hypercalciuria. But in a child I hope his physicians make a thorough search for the more uncommon genetic problems. The abnormal kidney anatomy requires an expert in pediatric urology to be sure. Are the stones forming in the low lying kidney??? As for the kidney stone diet, of course he should eat it, everyone should. It accords with general US recommendations. Regards, Fred Coe
Thank you for the response! Yes they are only forming in the low lying kidney. You were correct in the genetic hypercalciuria. He was put on potassium citrate twice daily as his is very low. They didn’t look into anything further but at his next appointment I will ask that they do. They did limit his sports to non contact but saw that coming with the pelvic kidney. As long as baseball is ok, he’s ok :). Any other specifics you can think of I should ask? They have him drinking 80oz of water a day which makes me feel like floating away.
Hi Courtney, I do not have enough information to remark on treatment, but given the odd kidney anatomy one might consider thiazide as a more solid stone prevention. Perhaps his physicians might think about the matter. Regards, Fred Coe
I’m into bodybuilding and i’m 17 years old, I eat 1,6g/kg of protein a day which iw mostly meat based protein. Can I lower my risk of kidney stones by eating more plant based proteins?
Hi Ryan, No trials, but I would guess yes. The plant proteins will raise urine calcium less than animal protein. Dairy protein is the same – safer. Regards, Fred Coe
Hi, thank you for responding toy comment. Are there any studies on plant proteins and the risk of kidney stones? I really want to be carefull with my lifestyle and don’t want to risk getting kidney stones!
Hi Ryan, Plant protein is less likely to increase stone risk, but all food derivatives are risky. So it is best to make your diet out of intact foods. For example some nuts have lots of protein and not a lot of oxalate, so are good choices. But the KS diet is based on variety, deliberately to avoid risk from over use of any one item. Regards, Fred Coe
Hi Dr. Coe:
I am 64 and have hip dexa at -2.4. My urine calcium is 304. I am a vegetarian, weigh 112 and exercise every day. I just realized that all the spinach, almond milk and almonds that I eat have been increasing my oxalates and I presume, lowering my calcium absorption. Should I completely stop consuming these? Also, there seems to be conflicting information as to whether to eat calcium with oxalates, which would reduce the calcium absorption or eating food with oxalates separately from food with calcium. If eaten together, should the dietary calcium be increased to compensate for the offset by the oxalates?
Thank you for all of the work that you do. It is so appreciated!
Hi Gail, I also read your second comment about having had a single kidney stone 34 years ago without known relapse of stones. I deleted that second comment. I suspect the prior stone arose from the high urine calcium – a genetic condition – and that has also contributed to your bone disease. Oxalate is without relevance, the problem is that given long term urine calcium losses bone mineral stones can wane unless diet calcium is high and diet sodium restrained. Food oxalate is not able to influence calcium absorption – apart from weird excesses – though diet calcium can lower oxalate absorption. The ideal is a 1200 mg calcium 1500 – 2000 mg sodium diet as an attempt to maintain bone stores, provided there is no other organic disease present. The one trial presented in the article is seemingly the only actual trial of this diet in post menopausals, but is very compelling. From your diet precis I see little calcium intake. Regards, Fred Coe
Thanks so much for this wealth of information!
I have a solitary kidney since 3 yrs of age. I am 53, healthy ultra runner.
We found 2 stones by accident this year, no symptoms. My 24 hr urine test was all good results (low calcium oxalate, high volume, low sodium) but Ph was high 6.551 and urine citrate was low.
I now take stone stoppers everyday. I have eaten low sodium for years due to Menieres.
My question is about protein intake given I have a solitary kidney. Being an ultra runner, strength trainer and post menopausal higher protein intake is indicated for bones and muscle preservation.
Currently eat about 97g per day since September when I was probably eating about 40g.
But recent bloodwork showed BUN increased from 16 to 21, creatinine increased from .76 to .82 and ratio was 25.6:1
Given all of these things, what is your opinion about my protein intake re: stress on my solitary kidney. Is there a way to monitor the impact through blood tests? My BUN has been as high as 17,18,19 and 20 before without protein increase.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Elizabeth, Protein is said to raise stone risk, but evidence is scanty.At the highest protein intakes urine calcium can rise, but it sounds like yours is normal. Stone stoppers are alkali and will raise urine pH and I can see no role for such given your ph is 6.55 – already high. I think your stones will be calcium phosphate (low citrate high pH). I would try to keep the protein in the range below 2 gm/kg/d and preferably 1.5 gm/kg/d as high filtration rate from protein loading has a theoretical risk for kidney injury long, long, term. Regards, Fred Coe
I am 70 years old and recently have had recurring UTI infections requiring 4 weeks of antibiotics. After a cat scan , it was discovered I have 6 mm kidney stones. I have made an appointment to see a urologist but where I live I have to wait a month for the first visit. I was able to have a telemedicine with a urology nurse practitioner and she told me I need surgery and advised me to sign papers for it. After reading your articles there is so much information I don’t have, type of stones etc. I am so confused. I can’t sign papers if I don’t what it entails. What questions can I ask the doctor when I see him? Should I follow the kidney stone diet? Does apple cider vinegar really dissolve the stones?
Hi Jackie, I would think that before surgery one might want to read a bit about how to think about an evaluation. Here is a good introduction. Also, why must be stones be removed? Are they causing obstruction, pain, bleeding, infection? Will you get a stone free kidney from the planned procedure? Regards, Fred Coe
Hi Dr. Coe,
Thank you very much for all the helpful info you have.
I am 55 and had kidney stone issues for last 25 years. I had 7 incidents and three of them required procedures. The last one required multiple procedures (lithotripsy and uretoscopy). In the past, stones were calcium oxalate. Recently the sone was
Hydroxyl Apatite with a small portion of Calcium Oxalate
My 24 hour of urine test shows:
pH: 6.9,
Calcium: 300 mg
Oxalate: 29 mg
Uric acid: 490 mg
Citrate: 702 mg
Sodium: 216 mg
Sulfate: 9
Phosphate: 607
Maganisum: 125 mg
Ammonia: 28 mEq
Pottasium: 47 mEq
Creatinine: 1166 mg
Calcium oxalate: 1.38
I reduced or eliminated high oxalate food on my own.
My doctor advised to reduce salt and calcium after this result.
I do have another 5 mm stone on other side (kidney).
Any other suggestions to prevent the stones.
Stone was bigger 9mm this time and I assume it was hard to break as the lithotripsy didn’t really reduce the size much.
Thank you.
Hi Jayesh, You have high urine calcium and pH and high SS for calcium phosphate (your present stone). Less diet sodium (1500 to 2000 mg/d) is a good idea. But given many stones I would add chlorthalidone 25 mg/d to lower urine pH and calcium even further as calcium phosphate stones can form rapidly and grow. Regards, Fred Coe
Dear Dr. Coe,
I very much appreciate you sharing your expertise. I visited the U of Chicago once-it is a beautiful place!
I had a ureteroscopy 6 months ago and the stone was 1 cm. My urologist offered no post-operative care and it took me 6 months to finally get the stone composition, from a 1 mm piece, after an official request for records. I am angry I have wasted all this time not knowing what I should be doing. The compostition was: Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate-25%, Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate-50%, Carbonate Apatite-25%.
I will be getting a new urologist. In the meantime, should I go with the dietary recommendations above? I do still have smaller stones. Should I take a “stonebreaker” supplement?
I’m on Long Island. I am 55 yrs. old. Thank you so much.
Hi FLorence, There is considerable phosphate in your stone so I would proceed only on the basis of complete evaluation. I would guess urine calcium and pH will be high, but guessing does not make it so. As for the stonebreakers, that is a name without meaning as there is no such think presently known on Earth or in heaven. Regards, Fred Coe
I might suggest that the material here be more easily printable. Or have it in the form of a small book which can be purchased. I will be doing the prevention course with Ms. Harris and am very excited about it.
Thanks so much. It is a privilege to have access to someone of your expertise.
One more thing. There is a great opportunity to create products for stone formers like snack bars, frozen foods, etc. I am trying to keep track of sodium now and counting milligrams all day in addition to having other diet limitations is making me a little crazy.
Hi Florence,
I have a snack book for kidney stone formers. All the oxalate, calcium, salt and sugar figured out and kidney stone diet compliant!
Hi Prof. Coe,
As I am lactose intolerant I am using milk alternatives like fortified oat milk to boost my calcium intake.
Without this included my daily intake via diet is an average of 300-400mg.
Lately the milk alternatives have been giving me gastrointestinal issues like bloating.
Being that I also have Hypocitraturia (taking citrate for it) I was wondering if calcium citrate supplement at mealtimes could be a viable
option instead of the fortified oat milk? (My stone was a Ca Oxalate stone formed around 5-6 years ago).
Best Regards
Hi Ric, calcium citrate can be a way to get extra calcium, and does include citrate. Whether it will maintain your urine citrate and not pose to excessive a calcium loss is best determined by 24 hour testing while using it. Another approach is to look at the label and determine the amount of calcium citrate per dose and calculate the amount of citrate (potassium citrate pills contain 10 mEq of citrate in a single dose, and usually 2 doses are enough to increase urine citrate). You would need the molecular weight of the calcium citrate salt in the product which one can find on Google. Regards, Fred Coe
Good morning Dr. Cole and Jill,
Thank you both for your information and passing on your immense knowledge in this field. I have two chronic diseases colliding at the same time. For the last 17 years I have been forming calcium oxalate stones and have persistent tingling and numbness in my feet which I have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. For the stones, I take 4oz. of lemon juice daily as a preventive measure.
To be brief, can you both suggest a diet or links that empathizes low oxalate and anti inflammatory foods to not trigger kidney stones or my PN? Thank you in advance for your consideration and blessings to the both of you.
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Robert C. Santucci
Hi Rev. Santucci, I know of no obvious cause linking peripheral neuropathy to calcium stones, and profoundly doubt that oxalate – the molecule – is a cause of neuropathy in a person with normal or near normal kidney function. I would suggest full evaluation for the cause of your stones. Even if urine oxalate is elevated and a prime driver of stone disease I would not be able to connect it to neuropathy unless the elevation was very marked. Lemon juice has somehow emerged as a seeming general remedy for stones, and that is not the case. It is merely a source of alkali, and that could be beneficial or otherwise. Regards, Fred Coe
Hi Dr. Coe, would the Kindey Stone Diet also work for Cystine stones? Do you by any chance know of any experts in Cystine stones? My urologist and nephrologist are having a hard time treating my stones after 10+ years of having them. We’re running out of options and doctors with any expertise with these stones. Thank you!
Hi Juliana, No. Cystine stones are special.The author of the linked article is my partner and could perhaps help via telehealth if your physicians so desire and if it is reasonable in your state. Regards, Fred Coe
Dear Dr. Coe, I am new to this. I had a litholink 24 hr. Urine panel. it seems I have a low calcium oxalate Saturation of 1.34 and my ph,24hr. urine is 7.174. The lab results said my high urine ph can promote calcium phosphate stones. when coupled with low urine citrate consider renal tubular acidosis. My urine volume was 2.84, my phosphorus was 487, my ammonium 12, my chloride 44, my sulfate, 18, my urea nitrogen 4.83 my protein catabolic rate .6…How can i improve my situation and not get stones? Is their a medicine i should be taking? I am not taking any supplements currently. Thank you so much for your advice I appreciate it.
Hi Yvonne, With so little detail it is hard for me to offer much in return. Your 24 hour urine sulfate ammonia urea nitrogen all are very low which could be an under-collected urine (not a full 24 hours) or a diet that is very low in protein. The pH would be high in such a diet condition. You do not show the urine citrate but it could be low if the urine is itself not a full 24 hours. From here I cannot tell what happened. To understand things I would have to know how you eat – a complex matter only your physicians can properly assess. Regards, Fred Coe
Hello. Thank you for this information, once I know what my stone is I can better apply it to my circumstance. Question, however, my stone is 5.6mm in the lower right pole and is not blocking anything or impacting function..just some occasional back pain. I’m getting surgery but do you think that’s senseless? It will be laser removal not blast and I’m doing it for peace of mind and to find composition to hopefully prevent future ones. I have no genetic predisposition to this, no obvious cause and as noted will wait for analysis for future changes. So, silly to do surgery or no? I appreciate your attention. Jessica M
Hi Jessica, Not senseless as all. If a stone is not causing pain, obstruction, infection, or serious bleeding removal is elective even if it is ‘too big to pass’. Surgery is never a small matter. I would not remove it to forward prevention. Your physician can identify if it is calcium vs uric acid by measuring its CT density. Most stones are calcium based. As for detection of cause here is a good primer. Should you opt for removal – peace of mind – be sure it is analysed. Regards, Fred Coe
Hi Dr Coe, thank you for this resource, it is amazing. I have had two stones removed over the past 2 years. The first I developed when I was pregnant, at it appeared to be a calcium stone (though it wasn’t analyzed, not sure why!). The urologist thought I wouldn’t develop more outside of pregnancy, but I had another one that became painful and was removed in March. He said it looked “like gravel”, and again did not have it analyzed despite my request. My 24 hour urine and blood tests with this second stone were all normal, except the oxalate test was unavailable do to a world shortage of the testing material. Should I just assume I have calcium oxalate stones and go forward with the diet as you’ve described it? Would there be a risk of harm if I start increasing my calcium level? Thank you!
Hi Simone, The lack of analysis is unfortunate, as is the lack of oxalate testing. Be careful about ‘normal’ as one does not use such a criteria for urine stone risk factors. They are graded in risk. Given I have nothing to work with, I cannot offer much of value. I would advise using Litholink testing as they seem able to run oxalate measurements. Regards, Fred Coe
Hello Dr. Coe,
I am new to this site. I’m glad I found you and Jill’s Facebook page! I’ve got so much to review and read! I have Medullary Sponge Kidneys. I’m 60yrs old now. I passed my first stone when I was 27, then 28 and not again until I was 58 years old. I had a bunch of stones in both kidneys so had the lithotripsy done in May 2023 and now…guess what?? ‘THEY’RE BAAAACK!!!” LOL. Yup none in the left kidney, a bunch in the right and 3 that are 1.1 cm. I have a wonderful urologist in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, but doesn’t have a kidney dietician working along side of him and I’ve asked him for a requisition for a 24 hour urine test which I will be doing very soon. He doesn’t provide much info regarding prevention etc..so Here I am searching the web and joining a lot of Facebook Groups looking for advice and help. At this point, and over all these years, I still don’t know what type of stones I make. ugh! What advice do you have for folks like me that have Medullary Sponge Kidneys? Thank you very much. Kelly
Hi Kelly, It may not be MSK. IF your stones are calcium phosphate it probably is not MSK. You indeed need the 24 hour urine testing and stone analysis to know what is going on. regards, Fred Coe